quilting scraps sewing

Another Sew Along Update

As you know, I am working on the blocks for the Sew with Me 2023 by Erica Arndt. I am slowly getting caught up on this sew along. This is only block #2 and #3. I have decided to use purple and red as my main colors for these blocks.

There are now 5 patterns available. Remember…She also has YouTube versions of these blocks to help or to keep you motivated.

What ongoing projects are you working on today? I would love to hear from you!



goals quilting scraps sewing

Hexie Quilt

I haven’t worked on my hexagon quilt since last fall when we were at the cabin. I love to do handwork while we are relaxing in front of the fire.

I need to add some border pieces to get the part I have been working on ready for more…

The canoe was the best background I could find!
Joining piece…I love minions!
One Hexie star in the row…

Once I add 16 more joining pieces…and that should take awhile…I plan on adding a piece using this pattern made from my own fabrics:

I love this pattern from Pinterest! My fabric will probably be even brighter…with a black background to make it pop even more!

Well…Time to go! Lots to do!

What hand work have you been doing lately?



goals quilting scraps weather

Quilting Life 2023 Mystery BOM

I told you a couple of weeks ago that I would share my participation progress in some sew alongs. To find this block of the month, google “Quilting Life 2023” or click here. This block of the month is run by Sherri McConnell.

Blocks for this year are available in 12 inch and 6 inch. So far, the pattern is on one page (for those of us who like a paper pattern to look at). Video tutorials are also available on YouTube.

The pattern is available on the first Monday of every month. Please check the website for availability after the fact.

I am making both size blocks.

Progress so far…

I am using as much scrap fabric as possible, especially since I organized!

I also have a few spring pictures to share:

Forsythia in neighboring yard
Volunteer white peach blossoms…growing in the compost

Now on a sad note…I am tired of deleting spam for pharmaceuticals, porn, and whatever is being sold or talked about in Russian etc., so I am turning off active comments. Please e-mail me directly.
I love to hear from you!

To wrap it up this week, I hope you are having fun making…maybe participating in sew alongs. Hope you weather is making spring flowers appear! What are you working on/ seeing in nature this week?



quilting scraps

Finished top, etc.

I finally got the sashings and cornerstones on the blocks to finish the top for a quilt. I used a lovely gray batik. It does make the bright colors of the scrappy blocks pop.

Finished top

…and there is more!

While I was cleaning and organizing my sewing room, I found a box of scraps. This box was given to me by a substitute teacher that frequented the building I taught in. I have had these scraps for a while…since sometime before March 2020 (when Covid lockdowns began).

Scrap box…medium clear box

All of these scraps are around 2 inches…some are a little smaller. They are perfect to trim to 1 1/2 inch squares or triangles to make 1 1/2 inch half square triangles.

Accuquilt dies to trim scraps
Lots of pieces…more to come
4 1/2 inch star

I now have enough little pieces to string piece bonus blocks between all of my other projects! 😁

Have you unearthed any projects recently? I would love to hear from you!



quilting scraps

Bountiful Quilt Along 2023

I am participating in several quilt alongs this year. I will share some pictures and information for all of them here over the next few weeks and months. I am using a notebook and calendar to keep track of my progress in each one.

My notebook is getting full!

This week marks the beginning of the Bountiful Quilt Along for 2023. Fabric suggestions and a coloring page can be found here. New blocks are posted on the first Friday of every month from March until August. This Quilt Along is posted to collect charitable donations for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. The Fat Quarter Shop posts the patterns. There is also a YouTube tutorial available. At the end of the sew along, there is a quilt auction of donated Bountiful Quilts…made by Pat Sloan, Corey Yoder of Coriander Quilts, etc. A cross-stitch pattern is also available on the The Fat Quarter Shop site, but I am not interested.

The first block pattern can be downloaded here. This pattern makes two 24.5″ square blocks. It does take a while to assemble the many parts and pieces (98 pieces to be exact). They are large pieces that assemble easily. The directions are well written.

I watched 2 episodes of Midsomer Murders on Prime as I sewed up my blocks. I am using up scrap or fabric that I have on hand for this quilt. I did find a very interesting basket weave fabric. The first pink border looks like a color right out of the 1980’s…it might be…I bought it at a yardsale mixed in with some other scrap fabric. The star in the center of the basket also looks like it crawled on of the 80’s.

Here is a picture of my block(s):

First block 🥰

The center basket star is cute:

Star on basket

This makes a very cute quilt. Won’t you join in the fun?



scraps thrifting/ yard sale

No Waste

Normally, my idea of a fire starter is a crumpled piece of newspaper with sticks on top. Apply flame with a lighter, match or torch.

Our wonderful Michigan neighbor, Sheryl , made us some of her special fire starters. Got damp sticks or slightly wet firewood? These are the answer!

They are made using a cardboard, dryer lint, finely chopped up fabric scraps, and melted ugly or broken candles. Combine in layers. I put a piece of foil or a cookie sheet under it until the wax sets, to protect my countertop.

Fire starters in a chunk

To use these, I will simply rip off one “egg cup” at a time. I place this on top of the newspaper…between the sticks, then light.

WV fireplace
Michigan cabin fireplace

This is the best use for those garbage fabric scraps ever!

Have you ever tried making or using these? These are the best! I love hearing from you in the comments.



quilting scraps

Sampler Spree Block Finale

I started the blocks from the Sampler Spree block in September 2022. I finished all but 1 block on January 4, 2023. (That unmade block needed templates…uh, no…never.) Here is the final tracking sheet:

Tracking sheet helped move this project forward.

Here are the final blocks:

And the last few:

I love that little star!

I am planning to use the layout in the book to assemble the top. I am going to sort the blocks a little differently though.

What project have you made progress on recently?

Later, Lorrie

quilting scraps Uncategorized

Continuing a Sampler Spree Quilt again…5th time is almost a charm

I am still working on the 100 blocks from the Sampler Spree book. Only 18 more blocks to go!

Here are the 35 blocks that I created during the month of October. I was incredibly productive. We were at the cabin in Michigan on Long Lake. I made most of these blocks while my DH watched football. I am loving retirement!

Here is my tracking sheet. There are fewer and fewer plain white numbers left that have not been made. I am a little late getting started on November blocks…only one so far.

I had a serious brain glitch when I put this block together. The picture on the right is the correct assembly for the Buoy block. I incorrectly 1) added the corners and 2) assembled the block on the left. I think it looks like a butterfly or a beacon. I am embracing my stupidity and counting it as a bonus block!

I REALLY like the shape of this block. I think I will translate it into a larger size and make another scrap quilt. I am drawn to weathervane and quatrefoil shapes.

I also like these blocks. Who knows…maybe they will show up in some future scrap quilts, too.

This one has that four pointed shape that I am drawn to, but it doesn’t actually have the points. It was not an accident…they are not part of the block. This block would be fantastic for a fussy cut center.

Time to get back to making on this blustery last day of November! I have enjoyed making these blocks, but I am ready to be finished!

What are you making today?



If you would like to review the first installments, here are some links to follow:

  1. It starts!
  2. Second installment
  3. Third installment
  4. Fourth installment

quilting scraps

Continuing a Sampler Spree Quilt again and again

Here is the fourth installment of Splendid Quilt sampler blocks! This time I started with off-white solid scraps and a small piece of tan with taupe print. These were squares and chunks…not worth measuring.

Here is my tracking sheet. I got 10 blocks out of the background pieces. There may be more coming, but there were only 10 blocks that had a background and 1 other color of fabric. These block numbers are highlighted in blue. Please be tolerant of my sideways picture. I could not get it to load with the correct orientation! Aarrrgh!

Here are the 10 blocks. Some of these had 1″x 1″ pieces! That is a challenge, even for me…the lover of small pieces of fabric!

I did add a piece of black to the lightening bolt block. I wanted to use up that piece of purple paisley swirl, but did not have quite enough. I like the way it turned out with the extra color added.

I am to 48 out of 100 blocks! That is 48 percent of the blocks are made. Time to go plan which blocks to make next!

What are you planning to do today? (Nothing too devious, I hope!) Have a great day!



quilting scraps

Continuing a Sampler Spree Quilt again

This batch of Sampler Spree blocks has an off-white background with a tan rose outline on it. It was a quarter yard piece width of fabric, plus a chunk that was 9″ x 12″.

I made 13 blocks using this background and scraps. Here is my graphic list.

I started with this olive green calico as the scrap.

Then I switched over to purple sparkling princess fabric.

I finished with green batik.

Here are the scraps that were left to add to my bin.

That is my eye candy for this week. Hope it inspires you to work on a project that you love.

What are you making today?

