This post is related to the YouTube short that shows a sped up version of the assembly of this block. See the YouTube video here. This block makes a great leader/ender project to use when assembling another project.
This block is made with 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 inch squares. It could easily be made from other sizes. Block construction is simple.

Using your smaller squares, make 4 sets of 2 squares.

Press open…or however you desire.

Join 2 of these sets to your center square on opposite sides.

Press towards the larger center block.

Add blocks to the ends of the 2 sets of 2 squares as pictured below. Then press seams open.

Add blocks to the center unit on both sides.

Press seams open or however you wish.

Ta-Dah! One little scrappy block!

I hope that you are enjoying this series of Build A Block! I am having great fun using up those scrapps while I share with you! I would love to see what you are up to today!
2 replies on “Werquilters Build a Block: Square Surrounded”
Hi Lorrie,
Loving the content… scrappy does indeed make me happy. Congrats on your youtube adventure. I’m a bit more than slow only to see that by the time I am catching up there are like THIRTY THREE videos??? Wow. I admire those who let no grass grow under their feet!!
My name is Karen and I live in Far NE Oregon. I am the founder/creator of Rocky Ridge Quilters. Named for my birthplace, and in honor of my mama, Rocky Ridge is a local landmark about 3 miles from the tiny logging town of Pilot Rock.
Our group is about to celebrate another birthday next month. Going strong since Jan. 17, 2017 following a community service track supporting other non profits and the kids in our community as well as larger entities who are there for our kids.
Thanks to Brenda from Conquering Mt. Scrapmore who helped me find you on youtube and etc. I only got to the 100 subscriber mention to see that you are rapidly approaching 1000. Where did that extra zero happen… I didn’t think I was that slow catching up!!! CONGRATS, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!
I love that you started a quilt group in your area. It is a great way to socialize! I am still finding my way with quilt groups and charities. I have joined a Michigan group, Hale Country Quilters, but have not found a group here in West Virginia, except with 3 of my friends.
Thank you, Karen, for the kind words. I told my husband, when he decided that he was going to substitute teach, that I was going to take a different track…I was going to become a YouTube Star. I said it as a joke at first. I even made myself a production notebook with that written on the front with sharpie and gold star stickers!
I noticed that your group has hosted quilt shows. You and your group are doing wonderful things. I also noticed on the group blogs that you have patterns written in a style that is similar to the ones I am creating here on the blog. I read about the devastation of the forest fires in 2020 also…heartbreaking. My husband and I were driving to Alaska one time when there were fires across the Northwest and in Canada. The smoke and devastation were horrible.
I have been watching Brenda for many years. She does nice work. I was very surprised by her shout out! I felt like I had come full circle as my husband would say! Please continue to watch! I do love to hear from other quilters!