Here is the fourth installment of Splendid Quilt sampler blocks! This time I started with off-white solid scraps and a small piece of tan with taupe print. These were squares and chunks…not worth measuring.

Here is my tracking sheet. I got 10 blocks out of the background pieces. There may be more coming, but there were only 10 blocks that had a background and 1 other color of fabric. These block numbers are highlighted in blue. Please be tolerant of my sideways picture. I could not get it to load with the correct orientation! Aarrrgh!

Here are the 10 blocks. Some of these had 1″x 1″ pieces! That is a challenge, even for me…the lover of small pieces of fabric!

I did add a piece of black to the lightening bolt block. I wanted to use up that piece of purple paisley swirl, but did not have quite enough. I like the way it turned out with the extra color added.
I am to 48 out of 100 blocks! That is 48 percent of the blocks are made. Time to go plan which blocks to make next!
What are you planning to do today? (Nothing too devious, I hope!) Have a great day!