Build a block quilting scraps sewing

Build a Block: Roman Tile

This block is just a few seams above cutting out a plain square! How is that for simple construction? I wish I had grabbed some brighter colored scraps for this block, but this was in my hand waiting to be used up!

You can view the short video here of the block construction. It shows both of the ways to create this block. The first one pictured has two fewer pieces. Neither one is difficult.

I will add the variety of sizes chart at the very end of the post…after my sign off and final comments, if you are interested. This should be a printable image.

This example shows a 2 1/2″ x 4 1/2″ center. The top and bottom rows are made from two 1 1/2″ x 2 1/2″ pieces and four 1 1/2″ cornerstones. The block finishes at 4 1/2″ inches.

Sew the cornerstone squares to the rectangles on both sides. Use a 1/4″ seam.

Press to the outside.

I always like to check my layout at this point, especially when I am speed piecing…just to make sure I haven’t lost any of those important pieces.

Sew on the top and bottom rows. Press to the outside. Tah-done!

Example #2: Same block, just a little scrappier!

This example shows a 2 1/2″ square center. The top and bottom rows are made from two 1 1/2″ x 2 1/2″ pieces and four 1 1/2″ cornerstones. The side pieces are two 1 1/2″ x 2 1/2″ pieces that match the center square. The block finishes at 4 1/2″ inches.

Make a center unit. (This matches the center in the first example when you are finished sewing the pieces together.) Press this unit towards the inside…towards the block.

Assemble the top and bottom rows by sewing the cornerstones to the rectangles.

Press to the outside like pictured below.

Add the top and bottom rows to your center unit. Seams should nest together to make construction easier.

Tah-done! Press to the outside.

These blocks are quick and easy to construct. This would make a great leader/ ender project. I envision it with bright colored scraps for the center and a variety of backgrounds for the cornerstones set together with NO sashing. What a great scrap quilt that would be!

I can’t wait to make an entire quilt with these blocks! It would make a great donation or kid quilt! Would you make a quilt with these? Let me know in the comments! (about this quilt…not interested in Russian viagra or manifestos!)



Build a block quilting scraps sewing

Build a Block: center surrounded by 2 strips

This block is quick and easy to construct! I know that I say that almost every week, but it is true every time I say it. Using contrasting scraps is the best way to make this block pop! I pulled strips and squares from my “pre-cut” bins to make this a faster finish.

A one minute video of this block construction is available here on YouTube.

Presenting a New Feature at the bottom of this post! I have added a fantastic size chart for pieces to cut. It contains a variety of finished block sizes. Check it out at the end of this post!

The version shown below is constructed from a 2 1/2″ square in the center and 2 different 1 1/2″ strips surrounding it.

I did cut my strips to the following lengths:

  • 2- 1 1/2″ x 2 1/2″ (inside round color)
  • 2- 1 1/2″ x 4 1/2″ (inside round color)
  • 2- 1 1/2″ x 4 1/2″ (outside round color)
  • 2- 1 1/2″ x 6 1/2″ (outside round color)

This week I have words imbedded on the pictures, as well as arrows. This is a no brainer approach. Please remember to always use a good 1/4″ seam, no matter how crooked the arrows are in my photos.

Please add the 1 1/2″ x 2 1/2″ pieces to the center here.

There are not a lot of bulky seams here, so I press out.

Add the 1 1/2″ x 4 1/2″ pieces to the sides here.

Now is a great time to press it flat, flat, flat. By pressing now, the block will be crisper and flatter for the next round of strips.

Please add the 1 1/2″ x 4 1/2″ outer round pieces to both sides. (I forgot to take the picture before I sewed one of the pieces… oopsy!)

Give the strips a quick press outward.

Add the final two 1 1/2″ x 6 1/2″ strips to both sides.

Press outward one last time. If you want the block to be even flatter, give it a little shot of starch or Best Press at this point.

Tah-done! I love this little block! I told you it was quick and easy!

Below is the new size chart! This took some work to figure out how to embed this in a blog post…making the chart was the easy part!

Please let me know in the comments if you like this new feature. I look forward to hearing from you.



Build a block quilting scraps sewing

Build a Block: Square Surrounded & Again

This lovely block uses up lots of little scrap blocks. It is easily adaptable to larger sizes, too. It would be a fantastic leader/ ender project. As it is shown, it finishes at 6 1/2″.

The center square is 2 1/2″. The surrounding rounds are made from 12- 1 1/2″ inner ring blocks and 20- 1 1/2″ outer ring blocks. I used pink and blue to make it easier to see the block rounds. This would be a great block made up in all scraps or other high contrasting rounds. My YouTube speedy Build a Block video can be found here.

I start by moving the outer round of blocks to the side. I can only focus on one task at a time these days.

If you were doing this as all scrappy you could easily sew all the blocks in sets of two and then make the necessary 4-4 block units and 2-6 block units without worrying about placement.

Sew blocks that touch the center into 4 pair units. Two of these units will be sewn to the center soon.

Add the corner blocks to two of those pair units to make 2- four block units.

To reduce bulk, press seams open.

Sew both pair units to the center square.

To reduce bulk, press open…or however you wish to press. No quilt police here!

Add the 4 block units to the new central unit.

To reduce bulk, press seams open.

Sew all of the outer blocks in pairs, then sew pairs together until you have 2- 4 square units and 2- 6 square units.

Press open to reduce bulk. (You knew I was going to say that, but that doesn’t make you a psychic!)

I always like to lay out the block at every step, just to make sure I have placement the way I intended it to be when I started. I am fairly quick with the seam ripper these days, but I still don’t enjoy that process.

Add both of the 4 block units to the sides of the center unit.

You know what I am going to say! Press seams open to reduce bulk.

Add the 6 block units to the last two sides of the center unit.

Not saying…you know!

Tah-done! Another beautiful scrap block! This one used up LOTS of little pieces.

I hope that you are enjoying this Build a Block series of simple blocks. I am starting to have a nice little pile of these blocks just by creating ones to picture in these tutorials. I hope you are, too.

Thank you for stopping in to look at my pictures and read my block making narrative. What are you creating today? I hope it is simple and relaxing! I would love to see pictures of your work over on my Facebook page. Come join my group!



Build a block quilting scraps sewing

Build 2 Blocks: Square Surrounded by a Strip(s)

Welcome! Today I am constructing a simple block using a center square and strips…and for a second block, a center block with strips and cornerstones. I chose very simply constructed blocks for the next few weeks to get us through the “Silly Season” and all of the holidays. My head is spinning with all of the tasks that I need to complete before the new year. How about you?

You can also watch a 1 minute video that shows a very speedy version of the block construction…very speedy!

Let’s get started! The layout is simple. I chose a center block with good contrast from my scrap bin. I love to work small, so my center is 2 1/2″. You can make this any size you want. It is easily adjustable.

The outside strips are 1 1/2″ here. Again, with a larger center, you could easily use wider strips. I cut two of the pieces the same width as the center block to get started.

Join the cut strips to the center block on both sides.

Press however your little heart desires…I pressed the seams out on this block. There is not a lot of bulk in the seams like previous blocks made from a zillion little squares, so I did not press open.

Add the other side strips. You can cut these to the final length before or after you sew them on.

Again, I pressed the seams to the outside. The completed block is shown at the end of the post.

Ahhh! The second block…cha-ching! Bonus, Baby!

The center of the block shown here is 2 1/2″, but could be easily adapted to your favorite size. Strips and cornerstones are 1 1/2″ wide. I would change this if I were using a large center block to keep the proportions about the same. This could also be made in a scrappier version.

I assembled this block in rows. First, I assembled the top and bottom rows by adding the cornerstones to the center strips.

Next I speed pieced the side strips to the center. Doing all of the piecing at the same time makes the pressing easier.

I know that not everyone is a pressing fanatic like I am. I don’t like to wrestle with seams as I am trying to sew the units together, so I press between each step. You do you…press as you wish. No judgements here.

I pressed the top and bottom rows to the outside and the center row toward the larger center block.

When I added the top and bottom to the center, the seams locked together nicely…no pinning required.

I pressed to the outside on both sides.

Two little blocks…tah done!

I hope you are enjoying my build a block series. When my head stops spinning after the holiday season, I hope to evolve this into a printable pattern page with different sizes to make it easier to use with scraps of all sizes. What are you planning to make with your scraps? I love to hear from you…especially if you aren’t leaving comments about selling Russian viagra, etc!



Build a block quilting scraps sewing

Werquilters Build a Block: Square Surrounded

This post is related to the YouTube short that shows a sped up version of the assembly of this block. See the YouTube video here. This block makes a great leader/ender project to use when assembling another project.

This block is made with 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 inch squares. It could easily be made from other sizes. Block construction is simple.

Using your smaller squares, make 4 sets of 2 squares.

Press open…or however you desire.

Join 2 of these sets to your center square on opposite sides.

Press towards the larger center block.

Add blocks to the ends of the 2 sets of 2 squares as pictured below. Then press seams open.

Add blocks to the center unit on both sides.

Press seams open or however you wish.

Ta-Dah! One little scrappy block!

I hope that you are enjoying this series of Build A Block! I am having great fun using up those scrapps while I share with you! I would love to see what you are up to today!



Build a block scraps

Werquilters Build a Block: Mosaic Tile

This post goes along with my YouTube short of the same title. It is part of my series on using up bonus half-square triangle blocks.

This block is made from 16 one and half inch squares. It makes a 4 inch finished block. It could easily be made using 2 1/2, 3 1/2, or 4 1/2 inch half square triangles to create an 8, 12, or 16 block. I made this block using all bonus pieces. You can see in the picture that I even used bonus triangles that are pieced pieces.

I start by laying out my pieces on a small design board. I actually had several similar bonus triangles to make a pattern…random is excellent and less stressful.

I sew the first to half square triangles from the left side of the block together, as well as the ones on the right. Speed piece is great…zoom, zoom.

I sew the units of two together to make rows of 4 pieces before I press. As a personal preference I press seams open. To the sides is okay, too, but open makes tiny blocks lay flatter. There are lots of seams there to squish.

I lay the pressed units back on the design board. If I am doing random pieces, I don’t really worry about this. If I have a design, I like to lay it out again to make sure I still have a design. (I am not going to pick these pieces apart if I have somehow reversed units though.)

Time to sew the rows together. Sew the rows together 2 at a time…so you can speed piece. Sew those two units together to complete the block. I do this before you press.

Press all seams open for a super flat block.

This is the easiest way to use bonus half square triangles into a completed block. These bonus triangles can be arranged into different shapes to be used for borders, etc. So versatile!

Now that I am trimming my collection of blocks, I am having lots of fun using these units.

Enjoy! One of these can be whipped up in 5 minutes, maybe less!

What bonus triangle blocks would you like to see me make? I look forward to hearing from you! Comments are open!



Build a block scraps

Werquilters Build a Block: Clay’s Choice

This post goes along with my YouTube short of the same title. It is part of my series on using up bonus half-square triangle blocks. I love the graphic movement of this block when high contrast fabrics are used!

The version of this block shown below finishes at 8 inches. It could easily be a 4, 12, or 16 inch block, too.

As always, and because it is so easy to get a triangle moving in an unintended direction, I lay out the block before I sew.

This block is actually the same 4 sections turned in different directions. That makes it great for speed piecing! Zoom, zoom!

Here I have rearranged the block into a piles that are 4 sections to speed sew all at the same time.

I love the purple trapezoid made from the 2 half square triangles. These squares are much easier to deal with than a cut out trapezoid and 2 small triangle pieces. Trapezoids have some serious bias edges that stretch and distort the unit. Starching the fabric before cutting pieces like that is helpful, but using half square triangle units is even better!

Sew the units together in rows.

Press the top row towards the solid square on the left. It looks like up in this picture.

Press the bottom row towards the triangle square. I know that this seems counterintuitive, but will work out better when it comes to sewing the rows together and piecing the rest of the block. You could press the seam open if you wish for a flatter unit.

Again it looks like I am pressing upward, but I just turn the block so that I am pressing in that direction. I get flatter more accuate pieces when I press in that direction. It is a personal preference and the most comfortable way for me to hold the iron.

Here the blocks are laying in units by row…4 deep. Better safe than sorry!

Sew the rows together. Seams should nest together nicely to make block construction easy without pinning…unless you want to, of course.

I always thought heat setting the seam was silly, until I tried it. It does make the seam press flatter in the end.

I press this unit towards the top row. Pressing the seam open is always a good option, too.

These units are nice and flat…ready to put together. Notice that the trapezoid shape has a little hitch on the right for the seam allowance.

Spin the units around to lay them out.

Sew the top 2 block units together. Then sew the bottom 2 block units together.

Press one unit to one side.

Press the other unit…which is identical…to the other side.

Turn the units to the correct layout. Sew the last 2 units together.

Press to one side…or in my case the top.

You now have a beautiful Clay’s Choice block.

As a note of warning, you will notice that my wool mat is a little discolored on the right bottom corner. That is what happens when you use starch and get it on the wool mat. To prevent this, use a pressing cloth underneath to prevent starch overspray.

I am enjoying the process of assembling blocks with the bonus triangle squares. Every time I look at quilt books I am noticing them. They are jumping off the pages at me!

What blocks are you making using these bonus pieces? There seem to be millions out there!

I look forward to hearing from you!



Build a block scraps

Werquilters Build a Block: Friendship Star

This post goes along with my YouTube short of the same title. It is part of my series on using up bonus half-square triangle blocks. I like friendship star blocks because they are simple. The asymmetrical aspect of the block makes me a little crazy. I always lay the pieces out ahead of time so I don’t have to pick them and fix them later.

I will practice a little more with this fish-eye zoomed in view. It is an interesting perspective.

After laying out the pieces, sew the pieces together like you would any old nine patch.

After sewing the first two pieces together in each row, I lay the pieces back on the design board. Better safe than sorry!

Add the rest of the blocks of the blocks to each row. Lay them out again….safety, safety, safety.

Press the top and bottom rows outward.

Press the middle row toward the center.

Sew the top and middle row together. Seams should nestle together.

Sew the bottom row to the unit you just created.

The little friendship star is assembled and ready to press.

I heat the block first to make it more willing to press the way I want it to go.

I pressed the rows towards the outside, but you could press the seams open or towards the inside. This was just my personal preference today and at the moment.

I also gave the block an extra little press from the back.


What easy block do you enjoy making?

I look forward to hearing from you!



Build a block quilting scraps

Werquilters: Build a Block 9 patch turned 4 patch

It is time to use up some more of those scraps! Let’s make another basic block…9 patches added to larger squares to create a 4 patch. These blocks are versatile. When set together, they make an adorable scrap quilt. See my YouTube short showing this same block. It is part of my series on using up bonus half-square triangle blocks.

Here is a block waiting to be sewn. You will need the following pieces to make this 6 1/2″ block:

  • 2- 3 1/2 inch squares
  • 18- 1 1/2 inch squares to make both nine patch blocks

This block could easily be made in a variety of sizes: 12 1/2″, 18 1/2″, etc.

Start by speed piecing the rows of the nine patches.

Press the seams open…if you wish.

Sometimes I use my fingers to gently pull on the block so I can get the seam open to press it. Without burning my fingers, of course.

Look at those nice, little rows. Sew the rows together.

I press these seams open, too. It cuts down on the bulk and the blocks lay flatter.

Occasionally, I have difficulty getting those seams open. I have a stylus…actually it is a dental tool from the hardware department of a flea market…that helps me grab the seam.

You can see my stylus a little better here in this picture.

After the 9 patches are ready, sew the bigger blocks to them. Press towards the larger block.

When you turn the block pieces around, the seams will nestle.

Press the seam whichever direction you so desire…or open if you want.

Tah-done! What a cute little scrappy block!

What blocks have you been making to use up your scraps? Please comment below. I can’t wait to hear from you!



Build a block quilting scraps

Werquilters: Build a Block Scrappy Star

This week, I am adding a second block, the scrappy star. It is pictured here as a 4 1/2″ block. It could easily be made into a 8 1/2″, 12 1/2″ or 16 1/2″ block.

This tutorial reads like a picture book. I learned how to edit photos! Many of the directions are right in the picture. This also matches my YouTube short that shows how to use up some of those bonus triangles we all have. Most of the pictures are the same as those in the video, too.

Here is the finished star:

I have been making these as leader/ ender blocks for the entire summer. I have a nice little pile going.

The first image is parts you need if you don’t cut triangles to make this block. The directions are in the pictures below to make the triangles from squares. Just look for the tan and yellow squares.

This second picture, with the lavendar background, is the number of pieces that you need if you ARE cutting the triangles. I use an accuquilt die to cut those little triangles, but it is not necessary to have one of those to cut pieces.

The easiest way to make any block, is to lay out the pieces before you start.

The first sewing step is to make the 8 half square triangles, whether you are using triangles or squares.

The images with brown fabric are constructed from squares.

I love the washi 1/4″ tape. It doesn’t leave a residue. It stays on for a long time. There is a lot of it on a roll.

Now that your star points are sewn, it is time to press.

Background fabric should be towards the inside. Star points should be on the outside.

Sew the star point pieces together in pairs.

I prefer to press these seams open to reduce bulk. You can press the seams to the side if you prefer. I know this is a controversial topic in the quilting world. No judgements here!

Lay your pieces out again. This is a double check of your star points, etc.

You have the parts assembled for all 3 rows.

Time to finish the block. Sew the rows together.

Again this is to reduce bulk in these little seams.

Here it is again…the cute, scrappy star block.

I hope you are enjoying making little scrap blocks. There are many more blocks to come!

What is your favorite scrap block to make?

