Another block with half square triangles! These triangles will spin and swirl their way into your heart!
Yankee Puzzle is made from 16 half square triangles. If you are making the two color version like the one below, you will need 12 units for the big swirl and 4 for the contrast color.
Here is the YouTube video. The cutting chart is toward the bottom of this post. It is a free printable.
The example below and the red, white, and blue example are both made from 2 1/2″ half square triangles.

My inspiration is coming from this old EQ5 book again this week…best quarter I ever spent at a yardsale!

Here are the units layed out. Notice that three of the blocks, starting at the left, go the same direction. The last block on the right is turned a quarter turn to make a flying goose.

Continuing along the right side of the block…

Along the bottom…are you seeing the pattern yet? Three in the same direction, then goose…

The rest of the outside frame…next add a pinwheel to the center (scroll down a little more to see…)

This block can be sewn in quadrant pieces. Here is the stacked pile of quadrants ready to sew…zoom, zoom, baby!

After the quadrants are sewn, lay out is as simple as a quarter turn. A large swirling pinwheel will form in the center when pieces are layed out correctly.

Sew the quadrants together…then sew the halves together…

Ta-dah! Ta-done!

Now for the example made from 1 1/2″ pieces. It finishes at 4 1/2″. (You know I couldn’t resist!)

Finished reveal of this little beauty will be at the end of the post!

Now for my version of the 2 color layout! I creat the large swirling pinwheel (12 half square triangles) with one color.

I add in the second color…

Or maybe this version…

Or this one?? Oh, the decisions!

Here they are finished and ready to use in a beautiful scrap quilt!

Here is the printable cutting chart:

I couldn’t resist adding this beautiful dogwood picture from the post office in Inwood, WV.

And now for a close up…

Simba is enjoying a nice nap on my sewing chair. (The green fabric was put on the chair to prevent her fur from becoming a permanent part of my upholstery!)