I am still using this same, old book. There are lots of good blocks in there! The video that shows this block construction is here. The cutting chart for four sizes is at the bottom of this blog.

This week I am using up 16 more bonus half square triangle blocks…two sets of eight blocks. Look at the lovely, swirly whirlpool in the center. I used darker half square triangles for the center swirl.

This block can be speed pieced into quadrants or fourths. Notice the layout below for placement…a flying goose and a “blade”.

Make the goose and the blade units. Press open to reduce bulk. Assemble into a four patch as pictured below.

Make two units of two four patches. Note the layout below.

Turn one of the units…sew the final seam to complete the block.

Tah-dah! Tah-done! This is a 4 1/2″ version.

This is the 8 1/2″ version.

I love the swirling movement in this block…almost like a frame.

And look what I found! More blocks to trim! Yeah!

Here is the cutting chart with various sizes:

These are the base blocks for next week…shocker…more bonus half square triangles.

See you next week for more blocks!