We woke to ice in the trees and bushes on Friday. Thank goodness the temperatures were in the 60’s on Thursday, so the roads were still warm enough to not be super slick. The trees looked like they were encased in glass. Thank goodness it was a still day and the sun appeared to melt the ice with only a little damage to trees and branches…no power outages in our area.
Not enough to get school delayed or cancelled…beautiful!
We did have quite a bit of fog. The mountain was beautiful shrouded in ice and fog, but I did not get a picture of that.
I am working on block number 9 of my paper foundation dresden blocks. I need 12 to make the size quilt that I want. I have not decided what setting I will use for these blocks yet. They are approximately 14 1/2 unfinished.
Number 9 of 12
I also have a couple of other teal/aqua blocks to make for the RSC. They are cut and ready to be sewn. February is quickly becoming history. I need to buckle down tomorrow and get blocks made.
2/22/22 was a great Twosday. I won’t remember the twin theme at school. I won’t remember the two minutes of crazy dancing we did at 2:22 in the afternoon. What will I remember? It was our first day in school in almost two years with no mask covering our faces.
I realize that masks were used to keep us healthy, but I think they were more to keep us silent and take away our identity. There has been no science to prove that masks work, but there is science to prove that they don’t. Enough ranting for now.
Lots of stretchy stuff…
Let me say that even though I now possess roughly a mile of 1/4″ white and the same amount of black elastic, I hope to NEVER have to make another mask.
They were not difficult to construct. I used two rectangles of fabric and two pieces of elastic. I pleated the sides twice to make it fit over the face better, but not too tight. Everyone needs to be able to breathe and communicate. Do you know how hard it is to read aloud or give directions to a 10 year old with your face covered and your voice muffled all day? I did not want it sealed tightly to my face. (I did buy a microphone that picks up sound and could be worn on top of a mask. Add in reading glasses and feedback from the speaker and you have a whole new nightmare of existence!)
These will stay in the car for awhile…
The state that I live in did away with mask mandates in public places a long time ago. The only places that were mandated were schools and some medical facilities. I had 1/6 of my students wearing their masks yesterday. One that constantly had his on his chin when it was mandated wore it more yesterday than he did in the last week! My husband is a high school teacher. His unofficial tally of mask wearers was about 1/3. Some, he said, were wearing them on their chin. Maybe for comfort and personal security reasons? Some of our colleagues wore masks also. Only a few.
Fabric for masks that will now be repurposed.
It was great to see the smiling faces of the children and our co-workers. Let’s hope the masks never come back. I hope to never construct another one!
How many masks did you make for family and friends?
Over the weekend, I made 10 teal foundation crumb blocks to share with you. A little eye candy is better than no eye candy!
I always make these in sets of 10…watching Monk while I sew.
Hey! I think I saw Elvis!
Years ago, back in the days of Hancock Fabric, I bought several yards of this Elvis fabric in teal, pink, gray. I love having him show up in scrap quilts and blocks in random places.
I made it to the second month! Wahoo! Are you working on RSC blocks?
I am not the only maker in our family. My wonderful husband does some fantastic cross stitch. He is currently working on heirloom stockings. He has finished the stitching on the one for our sweet daughter-in-law.
My favorite colors! I should have a LOT of scraps in these colors, right? Uh, no! I had to dig scraps from the green bag and the blue bag to find something to work. This is a much smaller selection than the red basket in January.
Scraps…I will have to make more!
I started with some Dresden plate blades this morning. They always look better when they are trimmed. I foundation piece these to scrap paper that is trimmed on the accuquilt cutter.
Untrimmed pieces
I have been home today with an ear ache. I have never had an ear ache before…now I know why small children cry when their ears hurt! OMG! While I was sewing and recooperating, I could hear a turkey. One of the neighbors has a tame turkey. It spent a considerable amount of time on my porch…and being stalked by another neighbors’ cat!
Notice the mighty hunter in the background.
Turkeys are not smart, based on the amount of time he spent on the porch. I am really glad it is the neighbor’s turkey and not her rooster!
What RSC project are you starting for this month? Turkey dinner anyone?
I have been working…working…working…then life stepped in and slowed my progress. I am pleased that I felt well enough to measure and then cut binding strips.
This will work nicely…
I think the red will blend nicely with the red in the plaid on the back and contrast nicely with the top.
Nice gold thread…I hope it stands the test of time! Top has a black and white striped border
What project are you finishing in the near future?
For several years, I have made it through the first few rounds of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. I have several of those box in a storage box. Unfortunately, I never made it to a month with red blocks.
Here is a list of the blocks for this year:
10- 6 inch crazy quilt blocks made with the accuquilt die