Our house is a modified A-frame. The loft above the living room is our “library “. Years ago, we built in bookcases on wheels (so there is storage behind the shelves, if needed). We added books…and then more books. Until it looked like this:
A miracle has happened!
Notice the shelves are hidden by bins, baskets and bags of books. Nothing was accessible. What a nightmare! It was no big deal…we were both so busy teaching that neither one of us had much time to read for pleasure. That all changed when we retired in June.
While we are awaiting the arrival of our first granddaughter, we are trying our best to stay busy. It took 3 days to transform this space. That kept us busy. Always be careful what you wish for!
First step, bring all of the stuff blocking the shelves downstairs to the living room…and sort, sort, sort.
Large bins are by author of multiple books. Small bins (not pictured) are sorted alphabetically by author.Small bins are on the counter.Look at the beautiful shelves!
To finish this project, we bought 3 mighty mover dollys (from Harbor Freight) for under the large, now sorted, bins. They can be easily moved from place to place to access any book in the room.
Example dolly…12” x 18”
What project have you been putting off? I am so glad this is finally completed! No more shame over this space ! 😁
After my last post evaluating the goals from 2022, I have decided on the goals for this year. I am continuing to use my little green book. I am expanding my sewing days into a tiny calendar with specific tasks that are completed listed on the dates. That way I can feel like I am accomplishing more. I am also using a 3 ring notebook to keep track of sew alongs, reorganizing challenges, etc.
Time to finish up some tops that I have made for people that I love. I printed off a “list” organizer for just this purpose…maybe that will help. This step always seems like work to me.
Goal: Turn a quilt top into a finished product every month…or at least 12 for the year.
On the machine…
Goal 2: Blog more
Last year I had a goal of 2 blogs a week. Sadly, I did not meet this goal. I would like to write more patterns. I think my blog will help me do just that. By setting this goal so low, I will feel that I have accomplished great things if I write more!
Goal: Publish 1 blog articles a week.
Goal 3: Sew for my own happiness
Last block from book
I am keeping the same goal. I did not meet the goal last year, but I was working from January until the end of May, plus cleaning my classroom out getting ready to retire. I think that I can easily meet this goal this year.
Here are my revised list of tasks that I count as sewing:
hand sewing (applique, binding, English paper-piecing)
machine sewing (quilting, piecing)
hand embroidery
machine embroidery
writing patterns
reading patterns and/or quilting related books
ironing/ pressing
cleaning/ organizing my sewing area/room
cutting fabric (Accuquilt or other)
sorting fabric (scraps or other)
Goal: Complete a sewing activity from the above list at least 80% of the days in the year…that is 292 days.
Goal 4: Read to self
I met this goal easily last year. I am not ready to increase it just yet, but I think I can meet it again!
Goal: Read at least one book a month…or 12 books in the year.
Goal 5: Read Aloud
I am keeping this goal. We are currently reading Love and War by John Jakes. This book should keep us busy for quite a while. This is the second book in the series. We usually only read a chapter or two during a read aloud session…15 to 30 minutes a day.
Goal: Read to each other at least 2 days a week.
I am going to continue to use my little green book. It is numbered and set up. I also have a small calendar from the dollar tree and a notebook. Writing information down keeps me accountable.
So what do you want to accomplish this year? What habits help you maintain some calm in your life? I love to hear your thoughts!