Build a block quilting scraps sewing Study in Scarlet

A Study in Scarlet…Pt 1, ch 3 block… Garden Path

In chapter 3 of A Study in Scarlet, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson collaborate on their first case. When they arrive at the scene of the crime, Sherlock finds his first clues in the garden in front of the house.

Here is the printable pattern for this block:

If the directions at the bottom of the sheet seem short, please watch my presentation of the block construction on youTube here.

I hope you are enjoying this series. Comments can sent to me at YouTube and my gmail.



Build a block

Build a Block: No Room at the Inn

If you have been watching my YouTube channel, you have seen me mention my 2024 weather quilt. A subscriber recently asked if I would do a tutorial on the weather quilt blocks. What a fantastic idea!

This quilt has five different blocks in it…based on the place where the weather data is collected. This first block represents data that is collected while we are staying somewhere away from home(s) or our son’s house. This is the “away from home block”…not to be confused with the traveling block. I will define that more clearly when we make that block.

Here is the block that I made for the YouTube video. You can watch that presentation here.

All of the blocks have a color that represents these five weather elements: high temperature, low temperature, cloud cover, wind and precipitation. What does that mean for someone who is making this block but is not tracking the weather? It has five colors…of your choosing!

Here is the diagram that I used to layout the pieces for this 6 1/2″ block:

Here is my cutting diagram:

Let me explain how to read the above chart. In the placement diagram, H represents high. You would cut six 1 1/2″ squares… in the picture, these are yellow squares.

I hope you enjoy making this block. It would be great as a regular, old scrappy block, too!

I can’t wait until it is time to share next week’s block!


