There is no better way to learn the roads in an area than garage sales. Today, we only found four sales. How sad! I think that people are not having sales because less people are traveling due to exorbitant gas prices. Oh, the prices have come down a couple of cents a gallon this week. Unfortunately, prices went up all most $3 a gallon before this decrease. Last year at this time gas costs $2.85 a gallon. Today’s low price: $4.39. Let me step off my soap box and apologize. Sorry for my venting.
I had great fun at two of the sales. At one sale, the hostess was selling her mother’s and great aunt’s fabric stashes. I got two grocery bags stuffed full of fabric. Most of it vintage. We had a great chat while she helped me pick out quilting cottons and items to make doll clothes. I passed on the wild polyesters. My grandmother would have used those, too, especially the purple polka dots. Those 2 bags filled an entire tote box. It needs to be washed before it is integrated into my stash. (I always pre-wash yard sale fabric, just to be safe.)
Included in the bags were these “pre-cuts”. They were in a stack that was basted together with a price tag that said 10 for 25 cents. Were these for Rob Peter to Pay Paul set of blocks? What a great assortment of 60’s to 80’s fabrics!

She also had several blocks that were started. This is a basted and marked block. It has some very nice hand quilting started on it. The seller couldn’t remember which of her relatives had started this. She only remembered Grandma and Aunt tying quilts. My grandmother always tied her quilts, too, with the brightest colored yarn she could find. Red was her favorite yarn color. Speaking of colors, this block has classic 80’s colors and fabrics. I am going to finish it to decorate one of my sewing areas and honor the quilter that started this block.

Love this! Nothing like a sock monkey to make me smile. This kit, which is still available from the company, sells for $19.99 plus shipping and handling. I paid 50 cents! Score, baby!

Where have you found your best deals lately? Enjoy life!