travel weather

Family & Time

I enjoyed a wonderful Saturday. Some friends came over and we talked about quilting. We had a great lunch together. We shared Grammy pictures, talked about our children, and our spouses. It was a wonderfully relaxing afternoon. Time well spent.

Here are a few of the Grammy pictures that I shared:

Scarlett loves her dog friends. I have seen enough snow for the entire winter. sunrise over a snowbank is still a beautiful sunrise. Scarlett had an excellent birthday and now she’s in the terrible twos. I wish my son and daughter-in-law luck. Mwahaha!

I was glad to be out of the land of snow but driving through the blowing, drifting white powder was nerve-racking at best. Yes, this is I 75.Ugh! On the other side, it was beautiful and sunny. The further south we drove the less snow there was. I have never been so happy to see so much brown, dead grass.

Still, all in all, time well spent.

I hope you enjoyed this little blurb and a few pictures! See you next week for quilting updates.



Build a block quilting scraps sewing Study in Scarlet

A Study in Scarlet…a wider quilt

After some thinking about quilt sizes, I realized that 72″ x 96″ was disproportionate. I like a quilt that is rectangular, but this one is not wide enough for two adults to share it comfortably. I decided that it needs to be a little wider. Here are the printable documents that explain the math and a new, wider coloring sheet. The new finished size in 88″ x 96″.

I hope that you are enjoying this “mystery”!



Build a block quilting scraps sewing Study in Scarlet

A Study in Scarlet…Pt 1, ch 3 block… Garden Path

In chapter 3 of A Study in Scarlet, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson collaborate on their first case. When they arrive at the scene of the crime, Sherlock finds his first clues in the garden in front of the house.

Here is the printable pattern for this block:

If the directions at the bottom of the sheet seem short, please watch my presentation of the block construction on youTube here.

I hope you are enjoying this series. Comments can sent to me at YouTube and my gmail.

