Here are the first two pieces to be repaired. The blue bracelet on top needs a clasp. The white bracelet is missing a part that holds a joining link.

I found a link on a different, not repairable, bracelet. It is not the correct color, but it works.

My solution for the white bracelet was more elegant. I found a “bead” on a broken necklace that could be fastened to the bracelet pieces with jump rings. It is a little longer, but beautiful!

I showed you this bracelet in the original post, but I forgot to post about it with a follow up.

Most of the original cabochons were in the bag of pieces, but they were still a few missing. I improvised.

This cute little pin was in the bag .

I am not quite sure what someone did to bend the back like this. Oh my!

I straightened it as best I could with a pair of jeweler pliers… Not perfect, but functional.

These items need a little bit of glue or jewelry cement. The middle piece is a pin.

The two bracelets below just need a jump ring inserted to make them whole and useable again.

This pin was actually in two pieces. I glued one on top of the other to make it usable again. It measures 2 inches across…welcome back to the 60s or 70s.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the update on the bling from the scrap bag of jewelry pieces. There are many more of these to come.
I did finish the final quilt today and will be showing you that later this week…
What have you been recycling this week?