Build a block Study in Scarlet

Drunkard’s Path: proportion and templates

To make the drunkard’s path block, I had a lot of inspiration. The basic block is the same. Sometimes the proportions of the pieces are just a little different.
This first book was the only book that had a suggestion of a pattern that you could trace and use, but no tips on sewing the curves.

The proportions in this book are about 1/3 to 2/3 with the pie crust or concave part being the 1/3.

This book doesn’t really have a pattern. It has a picture. What you see is what you get.

This book has fantastic pictures of blocks. All of them finish at 4 1/2 inches. I love small blocks with fiddly pieces because they look so cute when they are finished… But not today. I’m looking for a 16 1/2 inch block for the Study in Scarlet quilt. This book is great for inspiration, but not reality.

This book is filled with tons of block, layouts and suggestions… Not really patterns, but great ideas. I will use this more when I talk about alternate layouts next week.

Noticed that the proportions in this block are about half on the side.

This last book isn’t a pattern book, but it has wonderful pictures of quilts. This one calls the block robbing Peter to pay Paul.

The bottom quilt is the one that we are actually making a block like this week. I love the top quilt. It has some extra solid squares in the corners and creates a butterfly or bat pattern. I think it is absolutely a beautiful pattern. Maybe I’ll do that later on .

Now that I talk to you about different proportions, you can choose your own to create templates to make this block. My YouTube video this week is all about templates.

Watch the video here .

I have a fur baby helper in my room this weekend. This is Honey. She has been at our house for exactly one week today. She is so sweet and such a good helper she even got a new doggy bed from a cheap Walmart pillow and one of bandits recycled blankets.

She’s not sharing her toys, so I’m not letting her use my sewing machine! Have a great weekend! Enjoy sewing!

