I enjoyed a wonderful Saturday. Some friends came over and we talked about quilting. We had a great lunch together. We shared Grammy pictures, talked about our children, and our spouses. It was a wonderfully relaxing afternoon. Time well spent.
Here are a few of the Grammy pictures that I shared:

Scarlett loves her dog friends. I have seen enough snow for the entire winter. sunrise over a snowbank is still a beautiful sunrise. Scarlett had an excellent birthday and now she’s in the terrible twos. I wish my son and daughter-in-law luck. Mwahaha!
I was glad to be out of the land of snow but driving through the blowing, drifting white powder was nerve-racking at best. Yes, this is I 75.Ugh! On the other side, it was beautiful and sunny. The further south we drove the less snow there was. I have never been so happy to see so much brown, dead grass.
Still, all in all, time well spent.
I hope you enjoyed this little blurb and a few pictures! See you next week for quilting updates.