I am revisiting my resolutions that I made in January…for better or worse.
- Finish a quilt top every month…didn’t happen this month.
- Post to blog twice a week…almost…I posted three times one week and 1 time the week before. I am counting that as on track, because it averages out to twice a week.
- Sew 80% of the year…still on track for this.
- Read to self…one book a month…more like half a book this month.
- Read aloud twice a week…we are crushing this goal. This is much better than the crap that is on TV. We just finished an Agatha Christy mystery. Now we are reading John Jakes.
February is teal/aqua for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. This month I made several blocks.

Remember, I said that I was not the only maker. My DH made this for one of my sister’s co-workers, who just lost her 30 something son unexpectedly. Tragic. He graphed out a poem that she had written and added butterflies from another pattern. He is amazing.

How are your resolutions shaping up this month? or for the year so far?